
General conditions for subscription

In the Jordanian Dates Competition - first session 2018

Participation in all competition categories is open to all palm farmers, date producers and manufacturers, researchers, scientists and innovators in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan without exception, or anyone who has a certificate of ownership, a disposition deed (Kushan), a long-term guarantee contract or a valid lease for the farm.
    All applicants for the competition categories must carefully review the participation conditions and evaluation criteria according to each category, to ensure that these conditions are met and that the criteria are complied with, and that supporting documents are submitted. All general conditions and participation conditions for each category are considered mandatory for all participants, and are implicitly approved by the applicants.
      - Participants must upload their files and participation form (according to the category) via the festival’s website no later than September 20, 2018, and submit the printed participation form with the samples (according to the category) by hand to the headquarters of the “Jordan Dates Association”, no later than 3:00 PM on September 20, 2018, where the evaluation committee will exclude entries that do not meet all the conditions and criteria required to apply for each of the competition categories.
        - Some competition categories require the competition evaluation committee to conduct a field visit to the farm or factory. Therefore, those who apply in these categories must commit to providing all facilities for conducting field visits in coordination with the committee’s secretariat at the Jordanian Dates Association.
          Winners of any of the competition categories are entitled to nominate for any other categories in the following year, and they are not entitled to nominate for the same category in which they won until three full years have passed from the date of winning.
            - One participant is not entitled to compete for more than two prizes, including his family members.
              - The participant has no right to claim the return of the samples submitted in the competitions.
                - Winners have the right to use the festival logo for the session they won (and not the Khalifa Award logo) on their promotional and marketing materials, correspondence and publications.
                  The Jordanian Dates Competition is supervised by the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee of the Festival.
                    The jury has the right to withhold any of the awards if the entries do not meet the required level of quality or if the entries do not meet the established evaluation criteria. The jury’s decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
                      - Members of the Organizing Committee, the Scientific Committee, or their first-degree relatives are not entitled to participate in any of the competition categories.
                        - The winners will be awarded commemorative shields and cash prizes (prize value) during a ceremony held at the First International Jordanian Dates Festival in Amman, October 21-23, 2018.